A b o u t
Neo astronaut on the moon
Astronaut Neo

Has + creativity, + design, + codes and a lot of + coffee.

What is the mission of Neo Startup?

Our mission is to transform innovative ideas into impactful digital realities. We help our clients achieve success by creating brand identities, digital experiences, and technological solutions that communicate clearly, achieve marketing goals, and delight users.

How do we approach our clients' projects?

We approach each project with a client-centered methodology, which involves four main steps: Research, Conceive, Implement, and Deliver. This allows us to deeply understand our clients' needs, develop creative concepts, implement effective technological solutions, and deliver exceptional results.

What is our vision for the future?

Our vision is to be a recognized leader in creating innovative digital solutions that not only meet our clients' current needs, but also prepare them for the future. We are committed to continually evolving, adopting new technologies and methodologies to ensure our clients always have a competitive edge.

Since 2008


We take care of you. When things go wrong, we are here to help.

Check out what our clients have to say about us.

We are extremely grateful for the amazing work that was done for our company. The dedication and professionalism were fundamental in creating a website that not only meets, but exceeds our expectations. My brother and I are really impressed and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all the support and effort.

Priscila W
Priscila .W
Director of Operations

We use the website to promote our work and we have received many compliments since it was launched. The intuitive interface and professional design really highlight our services. This has helped us reach more customers and showcase the quality of the insurance we offer, not just for cars, but for all types of insurance. We are extremely pleased with the result and the positive impact the website has brought to our business.

Leandro R
Leandro R.
CEO / Partner

Thank you so much for everything! The work you have been doing is simply wonderful. The updates are always carried out in an agile and effective way, ensuring that our website is always modern and functional. The platform has been fundamental to the success of our consulting and recruitment operations, facilitating both our communication with clients and the presentation of our services. We are very satisfied with the professionalism and quality you offer.

Caio M
Caio M.
Executive Director

The creation of the visual identity and the custom logo for our insurance company was exceptional. The website is beautiful, functional, and very professional. Our clients have been praising the new interface and the ease of navigation. Excellent work!

Thiago R
Thiago R.
Director of Technology

The rebranding process was a success, and the new website reflects exactly the image we wanted to convey. The dynamic interactions and optimized performance have made our users' experience much more enjoyable. The team is to be congratulated for the excellent work!

Joana A
Joana A.
Vice President of Marketing

The website developed for our frozen snacks company is sensational. The navigation is intuitive and the responsive design makes all the difference to our customers. Sales have increased significantly since the launch. Congratulations on the impeccable work!

Diego R
Diego R.
Executive Director
Neo Startup Debate to agree

Debate to agree.

We should always work for what is right and not just what is easy. We should debate, offer new ideas, and promote growth. We should express our feedback if we believe something needs to be changed. The result we finally commit to should incorporate the vision established by the company and its leadership.

Neo Startup Always Prevent

Always Prevent

We should not only correct, we should also actively prevent. We should think about possibilities of failure and correct them even before it happens. We should act vigorously to solve or improve it. More important than making mistakes is knowing how to correct our mistakes as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Neo Startup Sense of Urgency

Sense of Urgency

We will always have a deadline to solve a problem. Delivering later is indifferent. We need to be good at solving problems with clear deadlines.

Neo Startup WOW Moment

WOW Moment

Our customer service should be amazing. We have to go one step ahead to make their experience unique. We should help them even when we don't have the right product, perhaps by indicating other suppliers. A satisfied customer is the best recommendation we can have.

Neo Startup Freedom


We can decide when or where we want to work. We are free to make our decisions and make our choices. We should use our freedom to find new paths, always assuming the responsibility existing in our decisions.

Neo Startup Responsibility


We need to assume our mistakes and honor our responsibilities. The blame is never 'the other's'. Being mature and knowing that, if the project was flawed, the blame is entirely ours, regardless of external factors. We must have a continuous sense of urgency for delivering results and act within deadlines.

Neo Startup Continuous Learning

Continuous Learning

We should always be looking for new knowledge, evolving our processes and seeking factors in a smarter way. We should always be willing to learn something new, accept challenges and develop new skills.

Neo Startup Be an Owner

Be an Owner!

Everyone wins together, just as everyone sinks with the ship. All members have the right to vesting. We need to be leaders, thinking in the long term but executing in the short term. Leaders never say 'this is not my job'.

Neo Startup United Team

United Team

We should help our colleagues. We need to offer and not just ask. We need to create long-term relationships with our coworkers. We know that when one wins, everyone wins.

Neo Startup Transparency


Our Startup should be transparent and absent of policies: there are no secrets, there are only results. There is no ego in our company. We are open to performance improvements or compliments from colleagues.

Do you have a project in mind? Ask for your quote