P o w e r f u l
Portfolio Powerful Reprogramming

Details Of The Project:

Powerful Reprogramming
Web Development
2015 - Present
We used scripts.js, jQuery and plugins.js to add advanced features and interactivity with JavaScript particles. We designed a TabBar navigation bar to facilitate navigation. We incorporated a custom typography and used Font Awesome for modern icons.

We implemented Modernizr and Isotope to ensure compatibility and efficiency. To optimize visibility in search engines, we implemented a comprehensive SEO strategy and Canonical Tag. Images in .webp format, with custom alt tags, using the loading="lazy" attribute to improve page loading performance.

The head section was set up with all the essential information, including meta tags, titles and descriptions and we created custom grid-item-holders to highlight the company's services.

Technology, elegance and innovation!

The goal was to create an impressive online presence that reflected our client's technical excellence.

  • Web Development
  • Art Direction
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Mobile Design
  • Content Management
  • SEO
  • Graphic Design
  • Brand Development